Vocation Visits

Vocation visits are one of your "go-to" tools in Catholic discernment. Generally speaking, an early discernment pattern will begin with prayer, advance with online and printed research, and be bolstered with advice and guidance from spiritual directors, parish priests, monastics, and friends. Finally, be accepted to make a vocational visit to a community. This early discernment pattern follows for every discernment option (religious life, priesthood, marriage, and single life). If exploring a vocation to married life, for instance, few people in contemporary America will consent to marriage before first meeting and dating their future spouse. The same applies to the religious life and diocesan priesthood. After taking steps towards a religious vocation, it is necessary to get to know your future community, its prayer style, ministries, etc. Saint John's Abbey considers men for discernment visits who are ages 23-43; confirmed Roman Catholic (or in the process of joining the Catholic Church); either single or have received an annulment; and are US citizens or permanent residents.

What commitments does a visit entail? First of all, it is always good for visitors to remember that you are visiting a home—sometimes a very large home—but a home nonetheless.  Time has been spent preparing for your arrival, ensuring your room is clean and ready, and scheduling tours, activities, and work periods have been made. There is no cost to the visitor. The only commitment that needs to be made by the guest is to enter into the visit with an open heart, letting the experience unfold as it does without any preconceived ideas.

To visit a monastery as a vocation guest is simply that—a visit. It does not commit the monastic community or the visitor to anything more.  If both the monastic community and the vocation guest sense that the visit went well, both may agree that another visit is a good idea. Conversely, it may become evident to one or both parties that an additional visit would not be appropriate. The vocation director will typically host the vocation guest. Before the guest leaves, the discerner and director will meet to evaluate the visit. 

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What should I expect during a visit? A visit is an opportunity to experience the monastic life: meet the monastic community, explore our work and prayer, gain familiarity with the campus and gardens, and plant the seeds of friendship. However, vocational visits are not simply social or a distant and objective observation of monasticism. Following the monastic daily schedule, you will pray, work and recreate with the monks. In short, a visit is designed to emulate the monastic life—to let you live as a monk for a few days—and thereby help to inform and inspire your discernment.

What are the requirements to visit? Our fundamental requirement is that you discern a possible vocation to monastic life. If you are new to the process or experienced, it does not matter, only that you are honestly discerning. Consequently, if you are not interested in the monastic life as a vocation, are married, are just intellectually interested in the monastic tradition, or are simply interested in a retreat, a vocation visit is not right for you. Certainly, you may still visit the Abbey Church and the campus and visit for a spiritual retreat; however, you must inquire through the Abbey Guesthouse.

In addition to this fundamental requirement, Saint John's Abbey considers men for vocations visits between the ages of 23-43; baptized and confirmed Roman Catholic; either single or have received an annulment; and U.S. citizens or permanent residents.